This game is in the early stages of its development. It clearly confuses my pre-, pro- and post-doctoral research.

This work weaves the unforgettable word of Heraclitus and Parmenides, the Western founders of logic, into a philosophical video game. It plays on the old anew without repetition. The Game of Confusion aims at contributing the digital period to the art of logic.

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Creator: Hellmut Monz
Year: Forthcoming
Genre: Philosophical Video Game


How does a player know not being played by their own gameplay? Without knowing confusion, how could one know clarity? One could believe in being clear while confusing clarity with confusion. Only in the centre of the typhoon is one soundly safe. To win the game of games, a player must enter the centre of confusion. But no move can pierce through to the eye of the galactic cyclone where all is clear.

If every method that takes step after step risks mistakes and missteps, which path towards the truth zeroes out any error? What way is delusion-proof? The only method, which can neither mislead nor misstep, is the easiest, shortest, and sharpest of all: the period. The adimensional way of the digit – the path of stillness – zeroes out any error by zeroing in on zero full stop. This standpoint is spot on physique. It stalemates every brilliant step and every shady move without effort. It is lethal to belief and alethal to the truth. Only what can neither appear to be nor disappear to be not is solidly sound: the naked truth of reality.

The game plays. No play can be still. If there is stillness, it could neither be faked nor be found: While no illusion can be still, stillness cannot move to play the game of hide-and-seek. The game swirls in the galactic lactate of a hypnotic narcotic: a dream that plays to be; appears to be, and disappears to be not. Thus there can be neither a game nor confusion at all. The player that uses energy to unriddle generates the ensnaring play. The game is apparently real. The rule is really real. Reality is what apparent reality really is. Apparent cosmetics cover the unapparent cosmos with fake make-up. The royal realm of reality rules the game.

What is this 'reality' that rules the game of the world? This question can only be rhetorical as every being already knows the answer that solves all riddles. With zero distance and zero delay, only the stalemate of the digital period can remember the unforgettable point of all this. What does it take to get (to) reality? It takes absolutely zero energy.

Welcome to the game of confusion, where every move walks past the victory royale. But winning this game is not for trembling toddlers.